Co-author, come close. I have some truths to share, and you need to respond to some questions. We might not get another chance if we don’t tell each other the truth right now. The clock is ticking, and we have until midnight.
First, I have to find out why you are here. Why pours your meticulous heart onto the page? Why do you tap on clicking and clacking keys repeatedly? What are your benefits?
Since I have posed this question for your consideration, I will first reveal my secret.
It’s a passion for language. Words made up of letters that don’t have any meaning of their own come together to make something much bigger than the sum of their parts. They are held in place by glue while remaining free. They are a blank canvas brimming with potential when they are young. They have wisdom much deeper than you could have ever imagined when they are old. They are similar to me and you.
It’s the story’s song. A quest, an adventure. Where should a brave hero go next when they have the whole world to explore? As the bodies pile up, she might be a detective. Or perhaps a widow pleading with the heavens? And if the sky is the limit, what else is out there? Let’s go on a journey toward a destination.
It is the causeway between the two. You can see me through this pale blue light on your face. I’m here, going through your brain’s electric pulses. Yours is on my mind; Together, we travel. We are bound indefinitely if we bond canonically. I understand you when I read you. You poured a tiny drop of your soul into the pen’s ink. Therefore, I grabbed it, brought it home, and proudly displayed it on my memory shelf.
Desire is also a factor at times. a desire to shout out to the world and be heard. You are cruel, you have flaws, and you are not who I expected you to be. What would I do if I could remake you? I would, without a doubt, take longer than seven days. a longing for glory, myth and legend, humanity, and history. to stick my finger in the haystack and hope it doesn’t break the whole thing.
You’ve had some time to reflect; could you please respond? We need to talk about more, so I hope so. My friend, tick-tock, tick-tock.
Second, I need to hear your concept. You’ve thought about it for a long time. Where did it originate? The universe inquires. I also inquire.
The answer appears to be straightforward: You were the source. from the very beginning, right down to your core and everything that made you who you are. Each thought that led to another, each thought that went through your head. They became entangled, intertwined, eloped, and spit out what you see here.
You must now move forward with your idea. The idea is flimsy and fragile. It might break if you speak it too loudly. It could become lost if you speak too quietly. You must use both hands to hold onto it. But how can you grasp something that moves in the air and squirms like a fleeing cat?
It requires meat. It is currently merely a silhouette. Is it an afflicted spirit with deep scars? Will they prevail over themselves in the war? Will he discover what he knew all along as an unfortunate romantic who was caught off guard? Or is it more philosophical, perhaps a prediction of the future with brave observations about the current world?
Because you are a writer, you must inject your lifeblood into whatever it is.
Thirdly, I must issue a warning to you. We both live in our heads. We cross the line between sanity and madness as we meander through the halls of our dreams and nightmares. You will see more of me than you expected if you are not careful.
To get lost in your own thoughts and feelings is nothing more than a circle. You’ll realize you’re the only person there if you stay too long. Only reflection, no connection. a world in which you are present in every mirror and face you see.
As a result, you aim for reality. In point of fact, the colors you see are: the greens, golds, and reds. Additionally, there are hidden hues that you could only dream of. unless you are aware, if you have lived, or if you have witnessed ultraviolet lightning. The goal is to broaden your definition if every idea comes from you. Writing is living and, most importantly, listening.
Now that the premise has been covered, it’s time for the meat. It’s time to talk about your method. Oh, what is it? Are you vegetarian now? It’s alright; we all have days when we want to cry. This is not the time to be shy.
You, the chef, are tasked with creating a delectable dish, and all of the ingredients are eagerly waiting for you in the pantry. It should include the following: a crisp plot for spreading your sauce on. You ought to feel a snap in your teeth. A setting sauce made of cream that is so smooth and rich that you might want to dip. a dash of killing your beloveds, an acquired taste, a dollop of character arc, and a twist of foreshadowing.
Will it have a heavenly odor? Is it going to ignite my thoughts? I have a question: I am eagerly awaiting your creation. If you make it too long, all of your hard work will be lost, and if you make it too short, you’ll soon discover that cooking takes a lot of time, which you can easily waste.
Please take a look at that. Our time has passed. Now is midnight. Too brief, but I must leave you, I fear. Is that sense of relief? What do you mean by not wanting to practice using the present tense? Therefore, I must warn you that there is still work to be done, but from this point on, it is your responsibility.
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